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The Corporation on DVD? Or The End of Suburbia?
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 > Sustain > Nourish  
"Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable - to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
- Bruntland Commission

Phase 3: Nourish The Community

With the deepest understanding of a product's life-cycle, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that the linear industrial model is inherently wasteful. With some willingness to implement systemic changes, a company can convert their industrial practices from a linear model to a cyclic, sustainable model.

When a company converts its practices to the sustainable model, its very existence is a contribution to society. Not only does this conversion elevate the public image of the brand, offer superior products and services to consumers, offer the potential of dramatically reducing operating costs, and inspire other companies to follow suit, but it also Nourishes the Community with nutrient-rich compost and industrial food.

During the first stage of our design process, opportunities to Nourish the Community will be identified. During later stages, solutions will be proposed that transform your brand into a highly-profitable industry leader.