Project Overview

Visual Concensus is a data visualization project which looks at the 2000 US Census data. By plotting individual zip codes as colored circles on a map, users are engaged with the information before them and can easily spot patterns. The data focuses on population size, ethnicity, and houeshold income.

The project was coded in C++ and Cinder and is currently available as a stand-alone application for Mac OSX. Users can pan and zoom around on the map to investigate various areas, and can toggle numerous filters to focus on particular regions and demographics.

Video Demonstration

Project Download

This project is available for download at this link.

Project Summary

This study explored taking a live video stream and processing it to simulate three dimensions. The luminosity of each video pixel was analyzed and mapped to the depth of individual cells in an array of extruded rectilinear volumes. This technique of mapping luminosity to depth is identical to rendering physical textures in most 3d rendering engines.

Concept and code are original, using Processing and its built in video library. Note that only a standard web-cam was employed in this project and that the study took place more than one year before the Microsoft Kinect was released.

Project Summary

How often do prime numbers occur within a list of integers? Is there any pattern? Exploring these questions, a color system was developed to visualize the spaces in between prime numbers and turn this visual pattern into an engaging aesthetic artwork.

Several Pratt students study a 48" x 96" print of one prime number study.

Developing a Color System

Looking at a matrix of integers in which the prime numbers are highlighted, the gap in between any two primes forms a block of space. Each block is of a different interval, and this variety of intervals is precisely what was being visualized. To best show the different frequencies of primes, a color coding system was devised.

As the intervals get larger, the hue of the color transitions from blue to purple to red to green. Dark, muted colors are used for intervals that are most common, while bright, saturated colors are used for the least frequent intervals.

Frequency of Primes Visualization 1

Visualization of the 550 primes within integers 1 - 4000.

Visualization shown 3-dimensionally in white with shadows.

Project Summary

An entire family of innovative bottle concepts were modeled and visualized for Gatorade, a sub-brand of Pepsi-Co. The concept work is confidential and may not be shown, but as part of the project a test rendering was made with a standard Gatorade bottle. Modeling was done in Solidworks and rendering was done in Alias Studio Tools.

Photo-realism was achieved through the use of HDR environments, label graphics, and physical texture maps.

Project Summary

A 3d model was made in Solidworks based on an actual camera as an excercise in modeling and rendering. Custom textures were made using Illustrator and Photoshop and the final renderings were made in Alias Studio Tools. The entire project and all the final images were made entirely from scratch using digital tools.

Project Summary

An innovative digital camera was designed with sustainability in mind. Its aluminum parts were optimized for recycling, and the camera’s built-in power generation system made it simple to recharge anywhere in the world. The barrel shaped body encourages one-handed shooting while fitting an integrated zoom lens.

Project Overview

Is there a way to simply visualize a massive dataset like 80+ years of stock market data? This programming project investigated this question and visualized Dow Jones Industrial Average data for instantaneous, simple analysis.

Concept and Code by Digital Noah. Programmed with Processing.

Video Demonstration