Processing Single Player Pong Game (9/18/2009)
Processing Color Sketching Program (9/18/2009)
ICM Week1 – Version B – Dynamic Processing Drawing (9/16/2009)

ICM Week 1 – Version B – Interactive Processing Drawing from Noah King on Vimeo.

This processing sketch explores mouse driven manipulation of an image, using variables and click-derived actions. Screen-captured with Quicktime.

Live Processing Sketch
Source Code

ICM – Week 1 – Static “Drawing” (9/12/2009)

Without any recursion, this was quite tedious to make.


I needed to make several calculations to extract x + y coordinates on a circle.  Based off of the below grid sketch, I picked a circle size with relatively “whole” values.  sq(x)+sq(y)=sq(Radius)


Original Processing Sketch

Source code: ICM_week1_A

Built with Processing

Quartz Candle Burn – as lines (9/03/2009)
Posted in Quartz Composer

Quartz Candle Burn – Rendered as Lines from Noah King on Vimeo.

This is the second iterations of a candle simulation particle system. This composition is exactly the same in every way as the first, except that the render method has gone from rendering textured quads to rendering lines.

I love the look of this and am exploring other uses of the line rendering.

Quartz Candle Burn – as Quads (9/03/2009)
Posted in Quartz Composer

Quartz Candle Burn – Rendered as Quads from Noah King on Vimeo.

This is one of two iterations of a candle simulation particle system. In this version the particles are rendered as textured quads, creating the appearance of smoke and flames.

Quartz Particle Petri Dish (9/03/2009)
Posted in Quartz Composer

Here is a second version of the gravitate particle system exploration in which the particles are rendered to look like microorganisms in a petri dish.

Quartz Particle Petri Dish from Noah King on Vimeo.

This is a Quartz Composer composition, exported to video using QuartzCrystal by Kineme.

A particle system, which is rendered to resemble bacteria, follows the mouse around using attraction/gravitate forces.

Quartz Particle Fire (9/03/2009)

I am particularly interested in interactive particle systems and have been playing around with them using Quartz Composer.  This sketch is intended to simulate fire and uses a gravitate force to attract particles to the mouse location.

Quartz Particle Fire from Noah King on Vimeo.

This is a Quartz Composer composition, exported to video using QuartzCrystal by Kineme.

A particle system, which is rendered to resemble fire, follows the mouse around using attraction/gravitate forces.