ICM – Project Proposal (10/22/2009)
I have three ideas that I am considering for our first major project in the Into to Computational Media Course. I am equally interested in all three and hope to do each of this projects at some point, so I need to decide which one makes the most sense for this project and this timeline.
Concept 1 – Visualizing Data
I wish to look at a large dataset that changes over time (either stock market or record/average weather temperatures) and visualize this information in layers. With some playing around with graphic design and data visualization in the past, I hope to use processing to create a program that is a more effective communicator and fully interactive.
Concept 2 – MensWear Color Assistant
I have a strong background in color theory and I wish to create a web application that assists men in color coordinating their outfits. I envision the program using color sliders to allow users to dress the manequin in their proposed outfit, and then fun an evaluation function that would confirm or deny their choice and make an alternative suggestion for a better outfit.
Concept 3 – Sound Spiral
While in graduate school, I wish to revisit my sound spiral project and develop it further. I wish to use Processing to make a functional, interactive program that allows users to press keys and make sounds, or input a midi source and watch the music as it is visualized.
Sound Spiral from Noah King on Vimeo.